Business Hours & Closures
Store hours will vary each week depending on the grooming schedule. Please verify hours on the home page or the calendar below before stopping by. Thank you!
Intergroom: Thursday, March 20 - Saturday, March 22 - we will be closed. (Subject to change.)
Spring Break: Tuesday, April 15 - Saturday, April 19 - we will be closed.
Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday, May 24 - we will be closed.
Independence Day Weekend: Friday, July 4 and Saturday, July 5 - we will be closed.
Labor Day Weekend/Fall Break: Saturday, August 30 through Saturday, September 6 - we will be closed.
New England Grooming Snow: Thursday, September 25 - Saturday, September 27 - we will be closed.
Thanksgiving Weekend: Thursday, November 27through Saturday, November 29 - we will be closed. (Subject to change.)
Christmas through New Year's Day (Holiday Shutdown): Thursday, December 25 through Thursday, January 1, 2025 - we will be closed.
Storm Closings: Unless there is an ice storm, power loss or the Governor issues a State of Emergency, we will be open posted hours. In the event of closing, our phone,
website and social media will be updated.